Protective Orders & Peace Orders

When the right petitions are filed and the necessary facts are proven, Protective Orders and Peace Orders can be issued that offer protection from abusive and harassing partners, spouses, ex-spouses, neighbors and others.

Michael Silverman can assist you in making the abusive or harassing behavior stop. He can also assist you with having a Protective Order or Peace Order extended, modified, or terminated as needed.

Seeking a Protective Order or Peace Order can be confusing, and the legal process can add to the stress and fear a person is already experiencing.

Michael has almost two decades of experience handling Protective Order and Peace Order matters that will help you through a difficult time.

His advice and counsel also includes a wealth of information and tools to ensure your physical safety.

If a petition for a Protective Order or Peace Order has been filed against you, Michael can evaluate the entirety of the situation and provide advice and representation as needed.

Work with an attorney who protects his clients; contact Michael Silverman today at 443-538-1043.